Your gift helps us foster and share scholarly research about historic gardens, cultural landscapes, and horticultural history through educational programs and publications.
Southern Garden History Society is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to the society are deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Click on the Donate button below to support Southern Garden History Society with your contribution, or you may mail a check directly to the address at the bottom of this page. General donations, scholarship donations, and gift memberships are available.
Support our Endowment
The Southern Garden History Society’s endowment fund is managed by the North Carolina Community Foundation. Named in honor of one of the SGHS founders, Flora Ann Bynum, the fund is designed to ensure the long-term financial stability of SGHS. When the fund reaches the initial goal of $100,000, interest earned annually will become available for scholarships, publications, research, and other special projects approved by the board of directors. A portion of the annual interest will be returned to the corpus enabling it to grow and offset inflation. SGHS is a 501(c)(3) organization, contributions to which are tax-deductible.
To support this fund:
Write a check payable to:
Southern Garden History Society
In the MEMO field please write:
For NCCF/Flora Ann Bynum
Mail to:
PO Box 631 New Roads, LA 70760
For additional information about donations to Southern Garden History Society or its endowment, contact:
Aimee Moreau
Southern Garden History Society
PO Box 631
New Roads, LA 70760