Recommended Revisions to SGHS Bylaws
Due to the Covid pandemic, Southern Garden History Society has not been able to meet in person since 2019 when we met in Birmingham, Alabama. The officers, Magnolia editors, and board of directors have continued to do the work of the Society, but through this two-year period, we have seen the need for adding new language to the bylaws to allow for virtual meetings and teleconferences for the purpose of conducting business. In reviewing the bylaws, we also saw the need to allow more than two committee members when the committee chair deems it appropriate. Scholarship and Awards Committee, under the able leadership of Jeff Lewis, has updated the work of the committee. Additional language specifies that nominations shall be approved by the board.
Please read all the recommended changes to the bylaws found on the website. President Perry Mathewes will call a vote to approve these on April 22, 2022, at our annual meeting at Mount Vernon.
4.1 The officers of the Society shall consist of President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer elected by members of the Society at the annual meeting or a special meeting, either in-person or virtual. Officers shall hold office for two years following their election or until their successors are elected. Newly elected officers shall assume the duties of their office immediately upon adjournment of the annual meeting at which elected.
Board of Directors
5.5 The Board shall meet semi-annually. One of the meetings shall be held immediately preceding the annual meeting of the general membership and the second at a time and place determined by the Board. At the call of the President or the Secretary, special meetings may be held with at least fourteen days prior notification. The Board shall have the power to act between regular meetings by means of virtual meetings, teleconference, post, or electronic mail polls of the entire Board.
6.3 The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the Vice President who shall serve as chair and at least two other Board members appointed by the President. The Nominating Committee shall solicit nominations from the general membership for officers and directors of the Society and shall determine the willingness of candidates to serve if elected. The Nominating Committee will present the slate of candidates to the Board for approval at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting at which elections are held.
6.4 The Finance Committee shall consist of the Treasurer (chair) and at least two other Board or Society members appointed by the President. It shall assist the Treasurer in preparing the annual budget and audits. The committee shall recommend investment policy for the liquid assets of the Society, review requests for major expenditures, and make recommendations to the Board for approval. This committee may propose, react to, facilitate and/or recommend for approval fundraising proposals/projects which may benefit a specific program or the Society at large.
6.6 The Long-range Planning Committee shall be chaired by a Board member appointed by the President and shall consist of the Vice President and at least two other Board or Society members appointed by the President. This committee shall have responsibility for investigating and recommending future annual meeting locations to the Board. Annual meeting locations will normally be approved by the Board at least three years in advance of the meeting. The committee will also periodically review the bylaws and the policies and procedures of the Society and make recommendations to strengthen and improve the visibility, influence, and importance of the Society.
6.8 The Publicity/Membership Committee shall consist of a Board member serving as chair and at least two Board or Society members appointed by the President plus a membership representative designated by the chair for each of the fourteen states and the District of Columbia that comprises the Society. They shall make recommendations for publicizing the Society, managing memberships, and attracting new members. The committee chair, members of the committee, and representatives may, at the pleasure of the Board, serve unlimited terms.
6.9 The Scholarship and Awards Committee shall consist of a chair and at least two additional Board or Society members appointed by the President. They will promote the scholarship program and solicit applicants. The committee will also maintain scholarship guidelines and recommend selected scholarship applicants to the Executive Committee for approval. This committee shall also publicize and encourage nominations for Society awards, a description of which can be found on the website and in each issue of Magnolia. The Board shall approve Award nominations shall be approved by the Board.
Meetings of the Membership
7.2 Special meetings of the Society, in-person or virtual, may be called by the Board provided at least 30 days advance notice is provided to the membership.
General Provisions
8.5 The bylaws of the Society may be amended, altered, or repealed by a two-thirds majority of members present at any annual meeting or at any special meeting, in-person or virtual, provided notice of the proposed change or amendment is provided in the notice of the meeting, in Magnolia, or on the Society website.