Dear Member,
August! Time to get up early to get anything done in the garden before you melt! Time to drag the hose around to keep everything watered to get through this infernal heat! And time to renew your membership in the Southern Garden History Society.
SGHS turns 41 this year, founded in 1982. All these years later we maintain our original mission: The Southern Garden History Society is a group of enthusiasts and professionals that fosters and shares scholarly research about our historic gardens, cultural landscapes, and horticultural history through educational programs and publications. We celebrate the beauty and diversity of the South’s historic gardens and encourage their preservation and restoration so they may enrich the lives of others.
We have about 500 members, made up of individuals, couples, and institutions such as public gardens, horticulture groups, historic sites and libraries. We focus on fourteen Southern states: Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas and Texas. Plus our nation’s capital, Washington in the District of Columbia.
SGHS members receive a subscription to the society’s full-color publication Magnolia, which arrives by mail three to four times each year. Our website is full of information about Southern gardens, historic plant lists, a comprehensive index to more than thirty-five years of Magnolia articles and info, book reviews, member institutions, awards, scholarships, and all the programs the society undertakes.
Members also may purchase tickets to our annual meeting held once a year in a different Southern place.This year, April 12-14, 2024, our meeting is in Wilmington, North Carolina, focusing on Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear River. The meeting is limited to about 170 registrants, and members who join at Sustainer Level or higher have first chance to register.
Please renew your membership to support our extraordinary society, and enjoy the unusual group of friends and professionals. To renew or join online or via mail, visit our website.
With all my best for a happy August and September, and a little rain to keep us all going,
Randy Harelson
SGHS President
P.S. Please take note that SGHS has a new mailing address:
PO Box 631
New Roads, Louisiana 70760
Phone (318) 421-9144
Aimee Moreau is our new Membership Administrator, Webmaster, and Annual Meeting Registrar. Welcome, Aimee.
P.P.S. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time as SGHS president. I especially want to thank vice president Derek Wade of Charleston, South Carolina, who has given me and our society so much help, and who’ll become president in April 2024. Thanks, Derek.
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